In this course, we will provide15 top paid and free online banking courses with certificates in 2022 to help set you on the right path. Let’s get right in!

15 Online Banking Courses in 2022

Here are the top paid and free online banking courses with certificates in 2022:

1. Supply Chain Finance and Blockchain Technology Specialization

This is one of the best online banking courses with certificates in 2022. The course focuses on a rising set of solutions within trade finance being carried out by thousands of financial institutions and leading corporate buyers as well as their trading partners from all over the world. The course offers an exhaustive teaching on the evolution of traditional trade finance as well as shift to supply chain finance. Further, it ventures into the core elements, avaialble options from which solutions are implemented and an in-depth view on the success factors. By the ened of this course, the participants would have ggained the skills and knowledge to assess and identifysupply chain finanace opprtunities for cooporate buying organizations. Course Provider: Coursera Duration: Approximately 4 months Cost: Free Certificate: Yes

2. Financial Markets

This course offers an in-depth understanding of the ideas, methods as well as institutions that allow human society to manage risks and foster enterprise.The course introduces the participants to risk managemen and behavioral finance principles in order to let them gain an indepth understanding of the real world functioning of securities, insurance and banking industries. Course Provider: Coursera Duration:Approximately 33 hours Cost: Free Certificate: Yes 15 Best Ph.D. Scholarships for Banking Finance Students

3. How Software Ate Finance

This course focuses on exploring the future of financial services and as well, provides a guide for creating fintech businesses in the 2020s and beyond. Te course introduces the participants to gigtal currency and as well, covers topics such as capital markets, trading and risks, payments and paypal, Goldman Sachs case study, finance investing as well as clearing or regulation. Even more, the course covers topics on digital assets, lending, affirimng and asset management. Course Provider: Coursera Duration: Approximately 16 hours Cost: Free Certificate: Yes

4. Innovation Strategy: Developing Your Fintech strategy

This course aims to offer deep insights about how business strategy intersects with innovations in the finance industry. This course primarily focuses on the banking sector, having insurance as a secondary area of concern. By the end of this course, the participants would have completely understood the role of their Fintech innovation strategy should solve and as well, have become familiar with both internal and external innovation tools to solve problems. Course Provider: Coursera Duration: Approximately 11 hours Cost: Free Certificate: Yes

5. Blockchain Revolution in Financial Services Specialization

This is a four-course specialization that focuses on introducng the participants to the orld of blockchain technology for financial services. This includes what blockchain is, how it works as well as wy it is considered revolutionary. Students will get to learn about the various categories of cryptoassets as well as the ways they can be transacted on a blockchain. Also, students will learn how blockchain is transforming the economy and society, helping to redefine workflows, global payments and prosperity. Course Provider: Coursera Duration: Aproximately 5 months Cost: Free Certificate: Yes 25 Masters Degree Scholarships for Banking Finance Students 2022

6. The Future of Payment Technologies

This course explores the future of payment technology from mobile payments to tokenizatin. Also, it explores the new ways payments can be made from consumer-to-Business (C2B2), from Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C), and from Business-to-Business (B2B). The participants will learn about th current payments system technologies to examine their strengths and weaknesses as well as understand the ways technological innovation is changing the traditional systems. Also, the participants will learn about new front-end innovations such as mobile payments and digital wallets. They will also get to discover back-end innovations such as tokenization, mobile money as well as new payment insfrastructure. Course Provider: Coursera Duration: Approximately 7 hours Cost: Free Certificate: Yes

7. Digital Transformation in Financial Services Specialization

Allso another one of the top online banking courses with certificates, thsi course focuses on the financial sector. It is specifically designed for learners who are looking to pursue a career in the digital financial industries. It explores the evolving world of finance and focueses on the changing dynamics resulted from the conversion of products ad services into digital goods, new customer demands as wel as the changing regulation to oversee the competitive llandscape – the digital transformation of finance. In tis course, the participants will learn about concepts like the digital platforms and business ecosystems, get familiar eith the emerging Fintech landscape as well as mastering a new toolbox for successfully competiting on innovation in the digital era of finance. Course Provider: Coursera Duration: Approximately 5 months Cost: Free Certificate: Yes

8. Digital Banking Business Model

This coures is designed to help the participannts explore and understand the technology enabled changes, understand what the key aspects to be considered are in building their business models as well as how to effectively execute digital transformation projects. Futhermore, this course will help the participants understand the concepts involved in guiding the consumer’s journey, building omni channel model,colloborating and strategizing, using expoential technology to meet consumer’s needs as well as helping them in choosing a strategic starting point to update the business processes and procedures. Course Provider: EDX Duration: Approximately 4 weeks Cost: Free – optional upgrade available for certificate at $99 USD Certificate: Yes 15 PhD Scholarships for Banking and Financial Students

9. Fintech: Overview of the Fintech Sector

This course explores soem of the most recent technological advances that that hve and are radically transforming the finacial services industry. It is also one of the best online banking courses with certificates. The course is simplified into three modules: the first module explores the characteristics as well as trends in finance. Also, the participants will get to learn how the emerging technologies are transforming the financial industry and furthermore, tis module will introduce the three main technolies that are disrupting the financial sector:

Machine learningBlockchain technologyInternet of Things (IoT)

The second mosule of thsicourse explores the regulatory landscape taht the financial indutries as well as the fintech firms face. Also, in the last module, the participants wil read several artciles as well as reports on the fintech industry and as well, discuss a business case on Ant Financial. Course Provider: EDX Duration: Approximately 3 weeks Cost: Free – optional upgrade available for certificate at $495 USD Certificate: Yes

10. Become a Paid Digital Banking Expert

Also one of the best online banking courses with certificates, this course provides an intesive training on digital banking. It is designed to provide students, bankers as well as professionals and entrepreneurs with sound background in the digital banking products such as ATMs, cards, POS, moile and internet banking. Furthermore, the course will equip them with te necessary skilld they need to render improved customer service. Course Provider: Udemy Duration: Approximately 6 hours Cost: $40.68 Certificate: Yes

11. Digital Banking – Masterclass

This course offers a complete and extensive introduction into digital banking. It explores banking, the digital banking systems architecture, how digital banking is revoluntionizing banking, understanding the functionality of digital banking as well as the digitalmbanking system flows. Course Provider: Udemy Duration: Approximately 3 hours Cost: $29.37 Certificate: Yes 30 Free Online Courses with Certificates in India 2022

12. Become a Top Banker with Complete Retail Banking Training

If you are planning to pursue a career in banking but are unaware of how to start, this course provides an intensive training to help you to succesfully start your career in anking. This course is developed by a research team that consists of seasoned banking experts and industry veterans. Course Provider: Udemy Duration: Approximately 9 hours Cost: $20.46 Certificate: Yes

13. Intensive Course on Banking & Finance

This course offers a comprehensive and detailed course on banking and finance. It provides he knowledge inputs required to get the participants to explore the operational processes as well as the modern banking environment so that they can perform banking and finnace related operations effectively. Also, the course offers an in-depth understanding of the different aspects of the banking and financial service industry and as well, provides a practical knowledge of operational aspects of the banking sector and the sales aspects such as selling process and relationship management. Course Provider: Udemy Duration: Approximately 12 hours Cost: $47.91 Certificate: Yes

14. Build An Online Bank With Java, Angular 2, Spring and More

Also another one of the top online banking courses with certificates, thsi course offers a complete guide on how to build online banking system with frontend, backend, REST, database and more employing the latest tech. The participants will learn how to develop a prototype online banking system using the latest web technologies. Course Provider: Udemy Duration: Approximately 7 hours Cost: $47.91 Certificate: Yes

15. A Course in Innovations of Digital Banking – a global view

This course provides a basic awareness of the latest happenings in new-generation world of banking. This course contains case studies about some ongoing innovations in technology areas like machine learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain, robotics, bigdata analytics, IOT, Fintechs, VR, open banking, etc. The illustrations in this course incklude exaples and case studes from banks and financial institutions, third-party providers and fintech companies from 15 different countries. Course Provider: Udemy Duration: Approximately 3 hours Cost: $20.46 Certificate: Yes Free Online Courses With Certificates In UAE | 2022


We hope you found the list helpful. All the best!


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